IHAC Interconnected: EAMH


Interconnected: A webinar series on the human-animal bond and its impact on public health and well-being.

Part 3: The Institute for Human-Animal Connection

Equine-Assisted Mental Health: Interacting with Horses in Psychotherapy Services

Presented by: Nina Ekholm Fry, Director of Equine Programs - Institute for Human-Animal Connection, Coordinator of Equine Assisted Mental Health Practitioner Certificate & Adjunct Professor - Graduate School of Social Work & Graduate School of Professional Psychology



Description: There are a number of professionals who incorporate horses in the services they provide. In this one-hour webinar, Nina Ekholm Fry describes how psychotherapy and counseling practitioners can work with horses to help clients reach treatment goals. She clarifies what equine-assisted therapy is and is not, and discusses future directions of the inclusion of horses in psychotherapy in areas of ethics, treatment effectiveness, and professional competencies.



General Public: $10 

 DU students, faculty and staff: Free


approximately 1 hour 


After purchasing the webinar you will receive an email with a link to view the recording and a PDF certificate of completion for documenting 1 contact hour of professional development. 


Please contact ihac@du.edu with any questions.