IHAC Interconnected: Emotional Support Animals


Interconnected: A webinar series on the human-animal bond and its impact on public health and well-being.

Part 3: The Institute for Human-Animal Connection

Emotional Support Animals

Presented by: Philip Tedeschi, Executive Director of the Institute for Human-Animal Connection, Clinical Professor at the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Social Work

DescriptionThere is currently a lot of media and confusion regarding Emotional Support Animals (ESAs), despite their potential for improving the lives of persons with mental health conditions. Unfortunately, some individuals falsely claim their companion animal is an ESA, which only undermines ESA policies aimed at providing essential and life- changing support for persons struggling with their mental health. In this Interconnected webinar, IHAC Executive Director Philip Tedeschi, who supervises the ESA program at the University of Denver, will go over the science of the human-animal bond as it relates to ESAs, best practices for ESA programming, clinical considerations for conducting an ESA evaluation with a client, and tips for offering emotional support animal prescriptions and generating ESA letters as documentation.



General Public: $10 

 DU students, faculty and staff: Free


approximately 1 hour 


After purchasing the webinar you will receive an email with a link to view the recording, a PDF certificate of completion for documenting 1 hour of professional development and an ESA handout from IHAC with supportive information for ESA evaluations. 


Please contact ihac@du.edu with any questions.