IHAC Interconnected: Reporting Animal Cruelty


Interconnected: A webinar series on the human-animal bond and its impact on public health and well-being.

Part 1: Current Systems and Best Practices

What if animal cruelty is disclosed? How is it defined? If reported, what happens?

Presented by: Joe Stafford, Director of Animal Law Enforcement at Humane Society of Pikes Peak Region and Diane Balkin, Former Deputy District Attorney and Attorney with the Animal Legal Defense Fund Criminal Justice Program

Description: For agencies who are housing or assisting victims of domestic violence, or talking with children who have experienced or observed abuse and violence, a disclosure of animal abuse or neglect may occur. This webinar will discuss how animal cruelty is defined in Colorado, and if reported, who investigates, what does the investigation entail, and what to expect.




General Public: $10 

 DU students, faculty and staff: Free


approximately 1 hour 


After purchasing the webinar you will receive an email with a link to view the recording, a PDF certificate of completion for documenting 1 hour of professional development and a PDF of the presentation. 


Please contact ihac@du.edu with any questions.